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Nil Sperm Count

Nil Sperm Count

Nil Sperm Count

Nil Sperm Count

Azoospermia (commonly referred to as “no sperm count”) is a male fertility issue many men face.Azoospermia , as the name suggests , refers to the condition in which there are no sperm in the semen. This diagnosis can come as a rude shock, because most men with a zero count have normal libido; normal sexual function; and their semen looks completely normal too. The diagnosis can only be made by examining the semen under a microscope in the laboratory.
Azoospermia needs to be differentiated from aspermia, or the absence of semen. This is a rare condition, in which the man cannot produce a semen sample, because he cannot ejaculate. This could be because of a psychologic problem called anejaculation; or a medical problem called retrograde ejaculation, in which the semen is discharged backwards into the urinary bladder, rather than forwards.